Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daun Kari Juga Boleh Dijadikan Pressed Leaves?

Susunan daun kari bersama
daun lain  dan pelbagai bunga .
Tak ramai yang tahu daun kari yang biasanya kita masukkan ke dalam kuah gulai atau kari  juga boleh dijadikan pressed leaves yang menarik. Biasanya yang menarik ialah daun kari muda yang mempunyai tangkai yang bengkok sedikit.

Adakalanya daun ini apabila di tekap lama ia akan berubah menjadi hitam. Kadangkala sekiranya kita mengeluarkannya dari buku yang ditekap beberapa hari selepas itu , ia mempunyai warna 'shading' yang menarik. Daun kari ini agak susah di tekap kerana daunnya mudah tanggal dari tangkai. Ini terutama sekali daun kari tua.

Cubalah tekap daun ini dan susunkan bersama bunga-bunga yang berwarna warni.
Pasti menarik, InsyaAllah.

Jemput lihat susunan pressed flowers saya yang lain. Klik di sini.
Susunan daun kari bersama
daun lain dan pelbagai bunga
Susunan daun kari bersama
daun lain dan pelbagai bunga

Monday, March 19, 2012

Pressed Flowers- Ways to Avoid Getting Attacked By Bugs

Recently when I  looked into my collection of pressed flowers which have yet to be arranged and glued, I found little bugs in it. I had been quite busy lately and  dizzy  that I could not really concentrate on my pressed flowers arrangements.
 So what do I have to do to salvage other pressed flowers that are not destroyed by bugs? Ideally  I  have to separate those who are on the verge of  getting destroyed from the fine ones. Then I would have to clean the container that I used to keep and store them.

I use separate containers for leaves and different kinds of flowers. Therefore the bugs won't destroy them all at once. Normally there are certain types of leaves and flowers that bugs attack earlier than the rest. Therefore it is best that we use a separate container for them.

Perhaps the best thing to do is to avoid arranging the leaves and flowers long after they are ready, that is a week or two after they are pressed. Living in a country of tropical weather inhibits bugs to attack the pressed flowers faster than the dry countries. To avoid the arranged and glued pressed flowers being attacked further, laminate them to avoid existence of air surround them.

So far it has been a year that I've laminated my pressed flowers and the flowers and the leaves look fine. Even the colors are still close to original. Alhamdulillah.
Feel free to view my collections of pressed flowers. Click here.