Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pressed Flowers- Flowers that Bring Special Memories

If you ask a lady, which does she prefer, fresh flowers or imitation flowers, the answer would definitely be fresh flowers!

 Even though fresh flowers may not last long, they bring sentimental effects or  closer bond between the person who gives and the person who receives it. It doesn't have to be between couples, husband and wife, gift of flowers between family members or friends normally bring the relationship closer among them. 

Remember each time you see a picture on the wall it  always bring a smile to your face. Each particular detail in the photos will always be the subject of discussion when a gathering takes place. Vivid  memories of what had happened just before or after the photo was taken will accidentally prop up in the group. 

How do you preserve flowers given to you so that it will bring sweet memories of the person who gave them to you? These flowers are also important because each and every time you see it you will also remember the special occasion. One of the way is to press them and arrange them on a piece of paper. Then frame it so that you'll be able to see it every day.

Perhaps the easiest way  to give flowers that last long is arrangements of beautifully pressed flowers in a frame together with your signature beside it. This elegant way of giving flowers may bring along memories of what beautiful moments that you had gone through as years passed by. 

Pressed flowers are  suitable giftsfor all occasions- birthdays, weddings anniversaries, graduation, office tasks to name a few. Most people appreciate them because they are made from fresh flowers and not imitation ones. The most unique feature of pressed flowers arrangements is most of them differs from each other. 

Have a look at my collections of pressed flowers and explore the uniqueness of the arrangements. Remember not one of them is the same.

Click here!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Idea Tempat yang Hendak Diletakkan Pressed Flowers

Pressed Flowers kelihatan indah diletakkan di tepi
sebuah pasu kecil yang berbunga

Pressed Flowers kelihatan indah diletakkan di hadapan
sebuah pasu besar yang berbunga

Pressed Flowers kelihatan indah diletakkan di tepi
sebuah pasu kecil yang berbunga

Pressed Flowers kelihatan indah diletakkan di tepi
sebuah pasu kecil yang berbunga
dan  di bawah jam dinding

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Pressed Flowers that I had placed in the car boot

Last year I had intended to mail one of my pressed flowers arrangement to my daughter in the United Sates. Unfortunately, I decided not to because of the high cost of postage.
The pressed flowers arrangement was laminated and placed in a frame. To mail it I had securely padded and wrapped it in a box using tapes and a string.
I had actually forgotten that I had placed it in the boot of my car until my daughter  had graduated recently. It had actually been in the boot  for six months!!
When my daughter opened the package last week, I was relieved that the flowers and the leaves were still as good as new. Even the colourrs have not faded.

I was glad that even though I had parked my car in the open sun, exposed to the high tropical heat my pressed flowers arrangement were still intact and looked fabulous.

 Have a look at the actual pressed flowers in frame that I had left in the car  boot for more than six months .(of course I placed it securely wrapped in a box).

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bunga Tanjung- Its Unique Shapes

Most of the fragrant flowers in Malaysia such as bunga tanjung and bunga melur have white petals which colours don't stay when  they are pressed. They will eventually turn brown when they are dried. However the unique shape of bunga tanjung will definitely be beautiful addition to the colourful yet bland shapes of other flowers. Bunga tanjung when pressed will be too thick to be laminated.  Hence we have to cut some parts in the middle of the flower before gluing to the dried flowers arrangements. Here is a sample of the bunga tanjung arrangements that I did.

Feel free to have a look at my pressed flowers arrangements. Click here

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daun Kari Juga Boleh Dijadikan Pressed Leaves?

Susunan daun kari bersama
daun lain  dan pelbagai bunga .
Tak ramai yang tahu daun kari yang biasanya kita masukkan ke dalam kuah gulai atau kari  juga boleh dijadikan pressed leaves yang menarik. Biasanya yang menarik ialah daun kari muda yang mempunyai tangkai yang bengkok sedikit.

Adakalanya daun ini apabila di tekap lama ia akan berubah menjadi hitam. Kadangkala sekiranya kita mengeluarkannya dari buku yang ditekap beberapa hari selepas itu , ia mempunyai warna 'shading' yang menarik. Daun kari ini agak susah di tekap kerana daunnya mudah tanggal dari tangkai. Ini terutama sekali daun kari tua.

Cubalah tekap daun ini dan susunkan bersama bunga-bunga yang berwarna warni.
Pasti menarik, InsyaAllah.

Jemput lihat susunan pressed flowers saya yang lain. Klik di sini.
Susunan daun kari bersama
daun lain dan pelbagai bunga
Susunan daun kari bersama
daun lain dan pelbagai bunga

Monday, March 19, 2012

Pressed Flowers- Ways to Avoid Getting Attacked By Bugs

Recently when I  looked into my collection of pressed flowers which have yet to be arranged and glued, I found little bugs in it. I had been quite busy lately and  dizzy  that I could not really concentrate on my pressed flowers arrangements.
 So what do I have to do to salvage other pressed flowers that are not destroyed by bugs? Ideally  I  have to separate those who are on the verge of  getting destroyed from the fine ones. Then I would have to clean the container that I used to keep and store them.

I use separate containers for leaves and different kinds of flowers. Therefore the bugs won't destroy them all at once. Normally there are certain types of leaves and flowers that bugs attack earlier than the rest. Therefore it is best that we use a separate container for them.

Perhaps the best thing to do is to avoid arranging the leaves and flowers long after they are ready, that is a week or two after they are pressed. Living in a country of tropical weather inhibits bugs to attack the pressed flowers faster than the dry countries. To avoid the arranged and glued pressed flowers being attacked further, laminate them to avoid existence of air surround them.

So far it has been a year that I've laminated my pressed flowers and the flowers and the leaves look fine. Even the colors are still close to original. Alhamdulillah.
Feel free to view my collections of pressed flowers. Click here.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bolehkan Bunga Raya Dijadikan Pressed Flowers?

Pernah terfikir bunga raya juga boleh dijadikan pressed flowers? Walaupun kelopak bunga raya berlendir atau berair, dengan cara cara tertentu ia boleh dijadikan pressed flowers.

Bunga raya yang dipetik janganlah ditunggu lama untuk ditekap kerana ia akan berkedut. Ingat! Jangan petik bunga yang bukan hak kita atau tanpa kebenaran orang. Tak berkat nanti!

Selain itu elakkan mengambil bunga raya yang berembun kerana dikhuatiri ia akan berkulat.Keluarkan keolpaknya satu persatu. Elakkan menekap bunga sekuntum terus kerana takut warnanya tidak seperti yang diharapkan.

Tentukan juga buku atau kertas yang digunakan untuk menekap bunga ini kering.

Gambar disebelah memaparkan pressed bunga raya yang saya susun bersama bunga lain. Menarik? Silakan lihat susunan pressed flowers saya diblog ini. Klik di sini!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Kelopak Bunga yang Menghasilkan Pressed Flower yang Menarik

Pokok bunga di sebelah ini yang saya kurang pasti namanya menghasilkan satu pressed flower yang sangat menarik kerana campuran warna merah jambu dan putih pada kelopaknya. Cuba lihat penanda buku yang saya hasilkan daripada campuran beberapa bunga dan bunga di gambar sebelah ini.
Ingin melihat lebih banyak penanda buku yang saya hasilkan? Klik di sini

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Can We Add Cross Hatching Drawings to Pressed Flowers Arrangements?

I had learnt cross hatching when I was studying in the US. My major wasn't art or anyrhing related to it but drawing has always been my passion. It was indeed an interesting class where we were taught how to cross hatch from solid objects such as boxes from different angles to  living things such as birds and tree trunks. Of course, as muslims I focus more on trees, leaves and fruits. 

Recently I tried to include my cross hatching drawings with pressed flowers arrangements. Having the background of cross hatching in black pencil lead blended very well with the vibrant colours of the flowers and the varieties of green leaves. Alhamdulillah, even though I was a bit sceptical at first, mixing different kinds of arts did look extraordinary beautiful. 

Do have a look at  a few cross hatches drawings that I included in my pressed flowers arrangements. Click Here! 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Susunan Pressed Flowers - Bukan Satu Lukisan

Pernah beberapa kali saya bertemu dengan beberapa orang peniaga kerana hendak meletakkan susunan pressed flowers ini secara consignment(tumpang letak di kedai mereka). Mereka membelek-belek susunan bunga ini dan bertanya," Adakah ini satu lukisan yang diwarnakan?" 

Puas juga saya  menerangkan kepada mereka bahawa susunan pressed flowers ini bukannya satu lukisan bahkan ia  tidak mengandungi apa- apa pewarna  yang diletak ke atasnya.Kesemuanya adalah bunga serta  daun asli dan warnanya juga adalah asli. Meskipun ada perubahan sedikit dari warna asal semasa proses penekanannya, warna ini tetap kekal selepas di'laminate'.

Alhamdulillah, susunan ini tidak mengalami perubahan warna dan proses pereputan meskipun lebih 8 bulan saya membuat susunan pressed flowers ini. Sudah semestinya ia boleh dijadikan hadiah yang amat unik dan indah 
terutama sekali buat seorang wanita.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Books and Bookmarks

Books are great gifts. They can be used to cement relationships between parents and childrens and also between friends and colleagues. Books are the source of knowledge. History books give great knowlege that could be passed from generations to generations. Motivational books are hardly outdated, they are always the source of inspirations. Kids normally appreciate storybooks, which enable them practise the imaginative part of the brain. 

Bookmarks are great gifts that comes together with books. Besides serving  its purpose as a marker, bookmarks makes a special remembrance gifts each time the reader look at it. Specially design bookmarks are often appreciated especially by the person who receives it as a gift. 

One type of really special bookmarks are pressed flower bookmarks. One can be assure that pressed flower bookmarks are hardly thrown away and most of them they are appreciated and kept nicely in books.

Have  a look at my collections of bookmarks and the great offers for this  weekend,20 Jan 2012 to 24 Jan 2012. 
                                                                           Buy 5 free 1

Remember the offer ends on 24th Jan 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Penanda Buku Pressed Flowers- Unik dan Menarik

Updated 23 March 2012

Penanda Buku Pressed Flowers 

-Berwarna warni
Tahan lama kerana sudah di 'laminate'

Saiz: Lebih kurang 5.5 cm x 19 cm 

Sesuai untuk 

Simpanan sendiri 
-diberikan kepada kawan sebagai hadiah 

Silakan lihat koleksi kami....

Mana tahu ada yang berkenan di hati....

Untuk memesan: Sila rujuk pada  Cara- Cara Tempahan di sebelah kanan blog Untuk Membuat   Pesanan

Nota:  Semua harga tertera adalah termasuk penghantaran.

Kod : P 001
 Latarbelakang: Hijau 
Saiz: 6cm x 21 cm 
Harga: RM 4
     Buy Now!
Kod : P 002
 Latarbelakang: Hijau 
Saiz: 6cm x 21 cm 
Harga: RM 4
           Buy Now!

Kod; P 003
Latarbelakang: Cream
Saiz: 6.5 cm x 21 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 004
Latarbelakang: Cream
Saiz: 6cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 006
Latarbelakang: Kuning
Saiz: 5.4cm x 19.5 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 005
Latarbelakang: Ungu cair
Saiz: 6cm x 21 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 007
Latarbelakang: Coklat
Saiz: 6cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 008
Latarbelakang: Coklat
Saiz: 6cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 010
Latarbelakang: Hijau cair
Saiz: 6cm x 21 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 009
Latarbelakang: Cream
Saiz: 6.5 cm x 21 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 012
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 5.7 cm x 21 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 011
Latarbelakang: Cream
Saiz: 6cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 013
Latarbelakang: Cream
Saiz: 6cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 014
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 6cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 015
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 6cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 016
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 6cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 017
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 6cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
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Kod: P 018
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 5.8 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 020
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 5.8 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 022
Latarbelakang: Kuning
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 021
Latarbelakang: Coklat
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 024
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
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Kod: P 025
Latarbelakang: Coklat
Saiz: 5.7 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 026
Latarbelakang: Ungu Cair
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 028
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 027
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 029
Latarbelakang: Kuning
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 030
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 031
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 5.7 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 032
Latarbelakang: Kuning
Saiz: 6.1 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 033
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 5.7 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 034
Latarbelakang: Ungu Cair
Saiz: 5.9 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 035
Latarbelakang: Ungu Cair
Saiz: 5.7 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 036
Latarbelakang: Kuning
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 037
Latarbelakang: Coklat
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 038
Latarbelakang: Hijau
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 039
Latarbelakang: Coklat
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 040
Latarbelakang: Kuning
Saiz: 5.5 cm x 19.4 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 041
Latarbelakang: Coklat
Saiz: 6 cm x 19.8 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!
Kod: P 042
Latarbelakang: Coklat
Saiz: 6.1 cm x 18 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!

Kod: P 043
Latarbelakang: Kuning
Saiz: 6 cm x 20 cm
Harga: RM 4
Buy Now!